Video: Thriving After Brain Injury

Sunday, May 30, 2010

They say all good photography begins with a good client.  In the case of Massachusetts Association for the Blind it is doubly true.  Their assignment to tell the story for their traumatic head injury division was the perfect storm: an extremely compelling story combined with a reliance on images to communicate.

The challenge to bring together photography & sound & graphics in a cinematic way for their gala & additional marketing put the Lou Jones Studio to the test.  Insinuating ourselves into the volatile lives of physically & mentally impaired adolescents, submerging ourselves into the medical politics, producing an original soundtrack, & designing a cohesive multimedia piece on the tight deadline was both stressful & enjoyable.

We had to shoot like a photojournalist & still produce a fully commercial product. Rather than rely on a vocal soundtrack, we needed powerful graphics to convey the story.  Additionally we had to hide or obscure the identities of several of the subjects for legal reasons but never subordinate the integrity of the photograph.

Multimedia is like jazz.  It is unfettered by traditional preconceptions.  The new technologies allow us entirely new ways to communicate. It is not moving pictures but pictures that move.

Thriving After Brain Injury from Lou Jones on Vimeo

Mass Association for the Blind


Tesser June 27, 2010 at 8:29 AM  

As one who is the survivor of a stroke, I think this is a wonderful piece of art. I love it!

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blog (blŏg, bläg) n. 1. short for Weblog 2. online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer 3. diary that is posted on the Internet 4. an experiment to verbalize my observations about the status of photography. It will be eclectic & deal with philosophy & practice of this universal art form. It will strive for periodic commentary about issues many photographers face, like ownership and the economy. It will also talk about pictures and what makes good ones and how to get them. No hardware. No software. No recycled clichés. No whining.