Video: Speedlights Manual vs Automatic

Friday, July 15, 2011

Here at the studio we have started venturing into Video. Armed with new HD DSLR's we have decided to create short tutorials for you our audience. First is a series based on Speedlight use that is a sort of companion set to the book Speedlights & speedlites. We will also be shooting Behind the Scenes videos from time to time so check the video section on the right sidebar for new uploads or subscribe to our Vimeo and Youtube channels.

Each new video we produce we learn how to improve the process and bring you better content. We hope you will join us and please comment on what you have found helpful, where we can improve and what you would like to see us cover in the future.

So here is the newest Video Manual vs Automatic

One in a series of helpful online tutorials about the use of speedlights. In this video Lou Jones deals with the controversy between manual and automatic usage.

Speedlights: Manual vs Automatic from Lou Jones on Vimeo.


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blog (blŏg, bläg) n. 1. short for Weblog 2. online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer 3. diary that is posted on the Internet 4. an experiment to verbalize my observations about the status of photography. It will be eclectic & deal with philosophy & practice of this universal art form. It will strive for periodic commentary about issues many photographers face, like ownership and the economy. It will also talk about pictures and what makes good ones and how to get them. No hardware. No software. No recycled clichés. No whining.